The NFS team of real world Cirrus pilots has spent countless hours flight testing and adjusting our models to ensure the most accurate performance characteristics for the entire SR fleet.
Our SR fleet has been built to accurately replicate the Cirrus performance, aerodynamics and systems. Together with one of our hardware packages you can simulate systems failures, emergency procedures and yes, a CAPS pull!
Cirrus SR20

Cirrus SR22

Cirrus SR22T

Each one of our NFS packages comes with an NFS Cirrus SR Series flight model of your choosing. Additional models can be added on at an additional charge.
The graph below compares the NFS SR22T climb performance to the aircraft POH up to FL180 at both 2900lbs (blue) and max gross weight (orange).

What good is an accurate aircraft without the most realistic hardware...?
Unrivaled in build quality and realism, our Cirrus Console and Cirrus Cockpit models are now available with the new NFS Cirrus dynamic side stick yoke. This innovative design allows you to accurately trim your aircraft in both pitch and roll, adding that final touch of realism to your system!